
Therapeutic Play Gym

Developed by Jenna Lammers, a Clinical Specialist in Pediatric Physical Therapy and Certified Neonatal Therapist

Podcast: Bringing Joy and Movement to Children

2023 Consumer Product Safety Certified

1st Place in the 2024 APTA Leadership and Innovation’s PT Innovation “Shark Tank” for our Hospital-2-Home (H2H) concept. Together we can improve outcomes for children and families who experience movement poverty and rehabilitation access barriers by making TPG parent training part of the discharge plan.

2024 Pediatric Physical Therapy Journal

Meet our Early Adopters and hear how TPG training is improving outcomes for their children

Claire's message to parents who are considering the TPG for home exercises.

Claire spends 1 minute setting Colt up for his daily tummy time exercise.

Elizabeth and Colt use the TPG Head Gear to improve neck control during gait training in PT sessions.

Everette initiates hugging his mom for the first time after 6 months of home training.

Rebecca and Isaac share about their training routine.

Brittany and Cameron share the FUN they have been up to over the past 6 months.

Explore TPG Funding opportunities on the Advocacy Abby grant platform.

Three training kits are now available for purchase.

Send us a message in the contact form below and we will guide you through the fitting and ordering process.